Large Handbook Vegetarian Cooking
Gefrituurde kerriebloemkool, misosoep, fettucine met truffels, groentepaella, tomatenpastei, auberginerolletjes met rijstvulling, gegratineerde pannenkoeken met asperges en kaassaus… In dit boek vindt u recepten voor salades, soepen, groentegerechten, hartige taarten, terrines, gerechten met aardappelen, rijst, deegwaren en cereals. Every vegetarian can find more than enough inspiration to eat varied and healthy eating. There is also a chapter dedicated to kitchen techniques, such as preparing grains, cooking vegetable broth, preparing legumes, growing sprout vegetables ... In between you get extra information about dip and slasauses, nuts and seeds, vegetable fats and you can read how to dough for pizza or can make quiche and vegetable and fruit juices. In short, this book is a valuable wealth of recipes for those who consciously choose tasteful dishes without meat or fish!